Sunday, BBQ, and an Ordinary Day . . . Let Us Learn to be Gracious . . . Spiritual Mentoring Might Begin Here . . . Seek Maturity in Your Relationships . . . Etcetera: Listening and Reading
Jim, I always enthusiastically read through these 'encouragement notes' gleaning wisdom everytime, then I came to the end and was so touched you recommended my writing. Thank you! Liam
You are so right! Thank you John.
Graciousness ... along with almost a lost art. Thank you!
Jim, I always enthusiastically read through these 'encouragement notes' gleaning wisdom everytime, then I came to the end and was so touched you recommended my writing. Thank you! Liam
Thank you Liam. You do such good work. I appreciate your writing. I hope you are doing well.
This was excellent, Jim. It has taken me a lifetime to learn so much of what you shared in this note.
Timothy, thank you so much for your very kind words. We are all learning -- and I still have much to learn.
Jim, wonderful articles full of great information and Godly direction. I thank God for you today!!
Blessings, Bill
Thank you very much, Bill.